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What Aurora Residents Should Know about Temporary Partial Disability Payments (TPD)

 Posted on December 27,2021 in Workers' Compensation

aurora workers comp lawyerReturning to work after suffering a serious workplace injury is a cause for celebration; it is a sign that things are getting back to normal.

However, returning workers often do not work regular hours right away, and their job duties are often less than what they were pre-injury. Such “modified jobs” allow workers to ease back into full employment, but they also create financial hardship. Workers that come back in a limited capacity usually make less money than they did pre-injury.

Thankfully, there is a solution called Temporary Partial Disability (TPD). TPD is intended to help close the gap between the reduced wages the worker receives in a reduced capacity, and the wages he was making pre-injury working in a full capacity.

TPD payments are calculated using a formula. The returning worker will receive 2/3 (66%) of the difference between the income he earns in a reduced capacity and the net wages he was making pre-injury.

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Understanding Evidence in Kane County Truck Accident Cases

 Posted on December 16,2021 in Uncategorized

kane county truck accident lawyer Truck accident victims are often left with debilitating physical injuries, not to mention medical debt, job loss, and mental trauma.

Recovering compensation for these losses is often a long and arduous process. Thankfully, victims have rights under Illinois Law. If the accident was caused by negligence or wrongdoing, they can file a personal injury claim against those responsible. A successful claim may result in financial compensation for losses resulting from the accident.

The thrust of every claim is, of course, the evidence. The evidence presented will determine who is at fault and how much money the plaintiff is owed if the court rules in their favor.

Critical Forms of Evidence in Truck Accident Cases

Police Report - After a truck crash, law enforcement will arrive at the scene to take a report, make observations, and talk to witnesses. The truck driver may share crucial information about the accident, not appreciating the ramifications of his words. His or her statement may be admitted into evidence and could play a major role in the court’s verdict.

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Uterine Ruptures Can Injure Both Mother and Baby

 Posted on December 09,2021 in Medical Malpractice

kane county medical malpractice lawyerDespite advances in medical technology, thousands of mothers and babies are injured during childbirth every single year.

Uterine ruptures are one of the most common, and most serious, birth injuries. The term describes the tearing of the uterine wall during childbirth. Severe complications often follow uterine rupture. The mother may experience severe bleeding, which can cause the baby to suffocate in the womb. In rare cases, uterine rupture is fatal to both the mother and the baby.

Even if both parties survive, they may be left with permanent disabilities. The Mother could suffer permanent damage to her uterus, rendering her unable to sustain future pregnancies; babies are often left with impaired cognitive function, a product of oxygen deprivation.

What Causes Uterine Ruptures?

Women with prior c-sections are most at risk for uterine rupture. The scar tissue along the surgical site is left weaker than the surrounding area. During childbirth, the pressure of the baby moving through the birth canal can cause this tissue to fray and eventually tear.

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What Is Vicarious Liability in an Illinois Auto Accident Claim?

 Posted on December 02,2021 in Uncategorized

aurora personal injury lawyerA serious injury has tremendous consequences far beyond bodily harm. You may be unable to work, burdened by medical debt, and troubled by psychological trauma.

Overcoming these obstacles is incredibly challenging. If a person’s injuries are the result of negligence or wrongdoing, they can file a personal injury claim against those responsible to pursue compensation for the harm they suffered.

There is, for example, significant confusion regarding who can be sued. It is often assumed that only the person directly responsible for an accident is liable, but in reality, many different parties could be responsible because of the doctrine of vicarious liability.

Car Accidents 

Vicarious liability is sometimes a factor in car accident claims. If the car involved in the accident is not owned by the person driving it, another party may be liable for damages caused in an accident. For example, if an employee causes an accident while performing work duties, the employer may be legally responsible. An underage driver is an additional example. In this scenario, the plaintiff could potentially bring a claim against the child’s parents.

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Navigating the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Process

 Posted on November 30,2021 in Workers' Compensation

kane county workers comp lawyerSuffering a serious workplace injury can disrupt your life on multiple fronts. Besides debilitating physical injuries, you may be left unable to work and with a mountain of medical debt. It may be difficult to simply pay the rent and put food on the table. However, your situation becomes much more perilous if your workers’ compensation claim is denied. Unfortunately, employers and insurance companies devise crafty ways to avoid their responsibilities to injured workers. For example, they may claim that the injury is not work-related or not serious enough to prevent the claimant from working. Thankfully, injured workers can appeal denied claims to pursue the benefits they so desperately need and deserve.

Workers' Compensation Arbitration

When an injured worker believes they were wrongly denied workers compensation benefits or that the size of their benefits package was too small given their injuries, they may file a claim with the Illinois Workers Compensation Commission.

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Medical Negligence During an Episiotomy Put Mothers at Risk

 Posted on November 23,2021 in Medical Malpractice

kane county birth injury lawyerChildbirth does not always happen naturally. Sometimes, doctors utilize a variety of techniques to facilitate the birthing process. An episiotomy is one of the most common procedures to help the mother deliver. When a doctor performs an episiotomy, he cuts the area between the vagina and the anus known as the perineal. This incision creates a wider opening for the baby to pass through. Episiotomy is often performed out of necessity, such as when the baby’s head is too big for the birth canal, the mother requires a forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery, or the baby is in breech position. Most medical associations recommend that they only be performed when the mother or baby’s health depends on it. Such caution is necessary because an unnecessary episiotomy can seriously injure the mother.

Injuries Caused by Episiotomies

An unneeded episiotomy can seriously harm the mother. It can cause dozens of different injuries and complications, including:

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Who Can Be Liable for Nursing Home Abuse?

 Posted on November 22,2021 in Uncategorized

kane county injury lawyer Nursing homes abuse is an endemic issue that exists in every state and around cities throughout the country. According to the National Coalition on Aging, nearly 5 million seniors are abused on an annual basis, violating the dignity of some of our most vulnerable citizens.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse takes many different forms. It may be obvious in some cases, while more covert in others.  

Nursing home abuse may be:

  • Physical: The infliction of bodily harm.
  • Emotional: Bullying, verbal harassment, intimidation, and shaming are included here.
  • Financial: The theft or misuse of the victim’s financial assets, including the withholding of assets as a means of coercion.
  • Neglect: Sometimes the abuse is not a physical act, but a lack of acting. The caregiver may neglect to bathe the victim, clean their living space, or provide other basic necessities.

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Can I Get Compensation After a Sideswipe Accident?

 Posted on November 11,2021 in Personal Injury

car accident lawyerNot all car accidents are the same, some simply have more destructive potential than others. Among the most dangerous car accident types is the sideswipe.

A sideswipe accident occurs when the sides of two vehicles traveling in the same direction collide. Although the initial impact by itself may not cause much destruction, it often causes one or both of the drivers to lose control and either drive off the road or crash into other vehicles.

Thousands of people are injured in sideswipe collisions every single year. In fact, over 900 people died in sideswipe accidents in 2020 alone, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

Victims that survive often face a long uphill battle back to normal. The physical injuries are only one part of the equation, they may also face medical debt, job loss, and mental trauma.

Although the situation is often dire, they may be entitled to compensation. An experienced personal injury lawyer can evaluate their case, provide them with options, and craft a personalized legal strategy around their unique interests.

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Common Physical Injuries in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

 Posted on October 28,2021 in Medical Malpractice

IL injury lawyerWhen an elderly individual starts to experience accidental injuries, such as bruises, cuts, or broken bones, their families often opt to move them to a nursing home so that they can receive proper and attentive care. Unfortunately, placing a loved one in a long-term care facility does not always mean they are safe from injury. While accidents can still happen, abuse and neglect also play a significant role in nursing home injuries. The following addresses some of the most common physical dangers residents face while living at a nursing home.

Four Frequent Injuries Resulting From Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse

1. ) Bedsores

When a patient remains in one position for an extended amount of time, they may develop bedsores. Bedsores are most often seen in a patient’s ankles, elbows, tailbone, and hips. When nursing home residents are not capable of moving on their own, it is the staff’s responsibility to assist in rotating or shifting the patient’s position on a regular basis. When staff neglect this duty, the sores can become severely infected and have life-threatening effects.

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Risks and Complications Associated with C-Section Delivery

 Posted on October 23,2021 in Medical Malpractice

IL injury lawyerWhen a pregnant mother is preparing to give birth to her child, she may not consider the possibility of facing an emergency situation. In some instances, this emergency situation may require a cesarean delivery. The need for a first-time cesarean delivery, better known as a C-section, is often not apparent until the delivery process has already begun. Some mothers opt for this method ahead of time if they have been experiencing complications through their pregnancy or have already undergone a c-section with a previous child. In other cases that require an emergency c-section, it is the doctor’s responsibility to understand the warning signs that necessitate this procedure and how to perform the surgery safely. When a doctor fails to uphold these expectations and the mother or child suffers an injury, It may be possible to hold the doctor accountable for their medical negligence.

C-Section Delivery Injury Risks

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